GW, AK – Proverbs 16:12-15

12 It is an abomination for kings to commit wicked acts, Because a throne is established on righteousness.

Starting right in on verse 12, the world should recognize, no ruler, no authority, no premiere should assume they will go unpunished. If you have been elevated to a position of authority you have been granted that position in part to display the character, leadership, and servanthood of Christ. If you do not know Christ, the ability of showcasing Christ to the employees is substantially less. This is why it is indeed “…an abomination for kings to commit wicked acts…”. If the king is to showcase their leadership position as an example for others, the misdeeds likewise should be shunned. “Because a throne is established on righteousness” we have to remember that the leadership of an individual starts and ends on the person. If you are lord over a small country in the eastern hemisphere you still have a duty and obligation to your people to lead them.

13 Righteous lips are the delight of kings, And one who speaks right is loved.

Righteous lips are a delight because they are truthful. There is no ulterior motive. Likewise, one that speaks right will come to be loved as well. When we speak truth in love “…we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ (cf. Ephesians 4:15, NIV). Speak the truth, but speak it in love hoping for the best outcome to all involved.

14 The fury of a king is like messengers of death; But a wise person will appease it.

When a leader or king or president or ruler is furious, there are few who truly understand I would surmise. This is why it is like death because there are few who can rightly judge who should live and die. In fact, knowing all the secret deeds and misdeeds belongs to only One. Christ alone. However, the interesting statement in the second half that a wise person will appease it. In the U.S. we carry on novel invention of trial by jury in criminal cases. If the verdict is reached warranting death, it is decided by a collection of peers not a sole unrighteous judge alone.

15 In the light of a king’s face is life, And his favor is like a cloud with the spring rain.

Taken to mean the countenance, in the king’s face is life is a phrase simply implying that in the kings mind and impression of the person often could determine both favor and destruction for the party being judged. Again, we in the U.S. are somewhat separated from this judgement type as we have a court and hearings. Yet the second part of the verse 15 states the favor is like a cloud with the spring rain. It is noteworthy I believe to note that in the climate of Israel, it was important that the crops receive both the early spring rain for initial growth and then the latter rain of the year to both cement the crop into the ground and to give it a broad base for growth. To draw on a New Testament parable Jesus gave, regarding the sowing of grain in fertile ground. In order to grow you must be planted!

To draw it together for today, I must be submitted by faith to the broader purposes the Lord has for me and my family. I must trust in Christ, not mankind for my sustenance and wellbeing. Finally I must strive to be at peace where possible with others and at war with the only adversary, Satan and sin itself.

By the way, for the reader who still is looking for that special gift for that certain someone, why not try an uplifting read with a ton of resources to boot? Pick up “Malformation: when bad things happen to the right kind of people” from Westbow Press. Available on, Westbow Press, Amazon, Google, Apple, B&N and more!

Merry Christmas!

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