GW, AK – Proverbs 17:24-28

24 Wisdom is in the presence of one who has understanding, but the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth.

Carrying over from the previous discussion of a broken and financially destitute person, we are then told that wisdom is in the presence of one who has understanding. Why? As I read and understand, the person who deals with the here and ow and manages and arranges his or her finances will do well in the future to deal with that in its appropriate time. Conversely, one who constantly looks to the “next big thing” will live for the next bit thing only to be met with disappointment and despair. You must “engage” the world (which incidentally is the name of our discipleship group at church) in order to effect others opinions and affect other’s life!

25 A foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness to her who gave birth to him.

As a son, this is a warning and a challenge. How can I as a son offer my life as a pleasing sacrifice to the Savior and also as a testimony in part to my parents as a life well lived? In better case scenario, my father will pass on before I do. This is the order of things. Yet in the worst case scenario I will pass before my father because of carousing and debauchery. What is the choice? Because I want to live a life pleasing to the King of kings and our heavenly Father, I will live my life in such a way as to be a godly influence to my wife and children thereby leaving a legacy, albeit imperfect, of a life lived to the pleasure of the King Jesus.

26 It is also not good to fine the righteous, nor to strike the noble for their uprightness.

As we slide further and further to the rights of whichever mankind-created minority is this week, I do find concerning what words or which formerly nascent nudge will become the latest buzzword of offense! It is not good to fine the righteous, because the finer will find their reward coming from the pit of hell!

27 One who withholds his words has knowledge, and one who has a cool spirit is a person of understanding.

I was advise either in school or perhaps on the ball-field, you have two ears and one mouth, use in proportion accordingly. Likewise, one who withholds his words or perhaps for today’s vernacular bites his tongue, has knowledge. The words likely did need to be said but at that particular moment in a heightened frenzy of emotion an and language, probably could have waited. Thus even in ancient Israel, be cool!

28 Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; When he closes his lips, he is considered prudent.

Finally, even a silent fool is perhaps wise. Do you know why? Because concealing your thoughts makes other wonder rather than scoff. Two ears, one mouth. Use accordingly.

And happy valentine’s day or singles awareness day, depending on your particular station at this time!

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