The hard way

Matthew 7:13-14 NASB “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Bold added)

As the original language goes the word used for “small” is στενὴ. This literally translated as small. The KJV renders it as “strait.” I suppose narrow would give some sense of that. Yet as English is an ever-evolving monster, it quite literally means “small.”

Then as you see the way (road or strait) is narrow, a clearer picture I hope comes into view. The way of the cross is not one that has alternate destinations. Though you may come from a thousand different locations, all roads lead to the cross. That is what the word stenhes (from the Greek) is used! The cross is the exclusive way to Jesus. It is reminiscent of the words of encouragement a little later on in Matthew 16:24 where Jesus admonished His disciples “Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.'”

I can recall, a number of times, being questioned “do you want to learn this the easy way or the hard way?” It seems an easy answer! In fact, it seems the obvious answer! But I think in “doing life” this way (brain injured) this long, I’m starting to prefer the hard way.

Now let me be clear, by saying the hard way doesn’t mean always the longer way. In fact I started at Auburn in 1999 to be a software engineer. By next summer, 2000, I was relearning to walk, talk, read, and write from a brain bleed. That was not the easy way. That was not the shorter way. But by the grace and purposes of the Lord, it was the harder and right way. By this right way I enrolled at Dallas Baptist University. By this harder way I met my now wife of 16 years. By this harder way I obtained my bachelors from DBU, masters from Liberty U, and education specialist degrees to help the hurting from the same. By the harder way I by the grace of the Lord He has brought me to today.

With it being the harder way though, I lost my job in Alabama as an IT worker because the position was dissolved. I lost my job in Lynchburg as I couldn’t pass a certification exam. I lost my vision in my right eye from a brain bleed. I lost my driver’s license from the loss of vision. I lost a bit but gained so much more!

Notice specifically what the verses say. In verse 13, the word used for “way” is ὁδὸς or hodos. This literally means “A way, road, journey, path. Apparently a primary word; a road; by implication, a progress; figuratively, a mode or means.” (Strong’s Concordance) A few words down in the next verse we read “For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

We have here further use of “way” that maybe helps materialize a mental image for your. The road the Christian walks is small, narrow, and a journey leading to the destination of Jesus. Moreover, it is the journey with Jesus that the Christian learns precisely Who this Jesus is and the plans He has for you and I.

As I was studying this morning, I came across an additional gem. In Proverbs 13:15 we read “Good understanding produces favor, but the way of the treacherous is hard.” Since the whole counsel of Scripture should be considered, how does this figure into the context of Word of the Lord in Matthew 7? Well by my estimation, if you look at the word used for “hard” in Proverbs 13, that would give us a clue. In Proverbs the word translated “way” is וְדֶ֖רֶךְ (wə·ḏe·reḵ). This can be used “way, road, distance, journey, manner 1a) road, way, path 1b) journey.”

If we fast forward to Matthew 7:13 the word used for “way” is ὁδός, which means “a travelled way, road.” Though not an exact transliteration, it is in meaning, Hebrew to Greek this word choice should help you and I understand though there is a definite point of conversion/salvation. After the conversion, the journey just begins! We have a lifetime of experiences and interaction with a lost and dying world where you and I have the opportunities to speak and interact in a redeemed fashion with a dying world!

But remember, I said it was the hard way. What is that all about? Well the road less traveled is fraught with traps, dangers, and unforeseen setbacks. What’s more is that if we take our eyes off of Jesus, many of these traps and snares cannot be avoided! The way is narrow because Jesus is the ONLY way to enter into eternity with Him forever. That is why all the self-help, all the meditation on emptying your mind, all of the distractions to numb your mind is precisely the dangers that Jesus warns us about!

In Colossians 3:1-3 the Apostle Paul admonishes “Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”

Back to Proverbs 13:15 the word translated “hard” (etan – אֵיתָֽן׃ for you Hebrew persons) means , figurative permanent, as substantive steady flow, permanence. But interestingly enough, it also means “a perennial, ever-flowing.” If you place the definition into the word’s place you have, “Good understanding produces favor, But the way of the treacherous is a steady permanent flow of bad!

If we consider that the life of a Christian rarely is constant in one’s health, vigor, and vitality, how would this affect the believer? If the Christian’s life is hidden in Christ, it would follow that speaking with Christ would be the best way to obtain the who, what, where, when, and how of one’s day! What’s more, to properly scale the crags of life, one must be anchored to the only Rock that doesn’t shift nor change, Jesus!

If the way of the wicked is treacherous, is hard, and subjected to steady ruin, what hope is there? If the way of the righteous is destined for trouble (In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world cf. John 16:33) what do you ad I have hope to make it through this life? It seems darned of you don’t and darned if you do! Ah but Christ!

You see friend, the promise of heaven is one which begins today! The health, vitality, and income you either have or don’t have today will not last! In fact, I can say with certainty that you and I will not live forever in these bodies. We are destined for communion with Jesus for eternity for all who have called on Him. However, if you have not called on Jesus for salvation, you are destined for eternal punishment for rejecting Him.

Life is hard. Jesus told us that. The rocky crags are treacherous. Jesus told us that. These bodies we are in will wilt and decay. Jesus told us that too! But one thing I’m looking forward to that is not far off at all! Prophesied by Isaiah and echoed by Jesus we read in Isaiah 65:

17“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth;
            And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.

      18“But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create;
            For behold, I create Jerusalem for rejoicing
            And her people for gladness.

      19“I will also rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad in My people;
            And there will no longer be heard in her
            The voice of weeping and the sound of crying.

Therefore, I will rejoice. The Christian’s day with Him is soon to come. The night is nearly over. And the joy overflowing can begin today! Blessings as you continue!